

UC’s Volunteer Portal is a resource for both students and employees to find volunteer opportunities across Cincinnati. The Volunteer Portal also allows volunteers to log their service hours, which can then be shared with the Scholarship and New Student Financial Aid Center for the renewal of certain scholarships.

Visit the Center for Community Engagement website to view volunteer opportunities on and off campus.

Are you interested in shaping graduate education and support here at UC? Join one of the Graduate College sub-committees! Explore your options below and contact for more information. 

These committees include: 

  • Curriculum Committee  
    • The charge of the Curriculum Committee is to: 1) review proposals for new or revised graduate degree programs, graduate certificates, graduate interdisciplinary specializations, and other curricular matters; and 2) submit to the Academic Committee recommendations about adopting or sunsetting academic degrees administered by the Graduate College.    
  • Community and Belonging Committee  
    • The charge of the Community and Belonging Committee is to: 1) advise the Program Manager for Community and Belonging on programs and events to improve community and belonging for graduate students; and 2) collect and disseminate information on community and belonging opportunities for graduate students.
  • Policy Committee  
    • The charge of the Policy Committee is to: 1) develop and review the rules, policies, and standards pertaining to graduate education and graduate programs and to act upon any question affecting those policies; and 2) submit the revised policies for review by Graduate Council, the Provost, and the Office of General Council.  
  • Graduate Student Concern Committee  
    • The charge of the Graduate Student Concern Committee is to: 1) review existing and proposed policies and procedures and make recommendations concerning the welfare and ethics of Graduate Faculty and graduate students; 2) keep the Dean of the Graduate College apprised of issues of concern to graduate students; 3) be available for consultation by the Dean of the Graduate College with regards to violations of accepted norms of professional behavior of Graduate Faculty and graduate students; and 4) enact parental leave and emergency funding policies for graduate students.   
  • Research and Creative Works Committee  
    • The charge of the Research and Creative Works Committee is to: 1) to track and promote graduate student research and creative works; 2) advise the Graduate Council on tracking graduate student research and creative works productivity; 3) partner with Graduate Student Government and other student organizations for the promotion of funding for graduate student research and creative works; and 4) coordinate with the Office of Research and relevant organizations to promote graduate student research productivity and creative projects. 
  • Graduate Program Review Committee  
    • The charge of the Graduate Program Review committee is to: 1) advise the Associate Dean and Program Managers responsible for Graduate Program Review implementation; 2) make recommendations for improving The Graduate Program Review process; and 3) implement a streamlined Graduate Program Review process for accredited programs. 
  • Graduate Student Compensation and Awards Committee  
    • The charge of the Graduate Student Compensation and Awards Committee is to: 1) discuss graduate student compensation at the University of Cincinnati; 2) develop policies regarding GA funding (stipend, scholarship, and other compensation); 3) advise on Graduate College awards; and 4) develop and review a process for fielding one-time funding requests from programs and student organizations.  
  • Mental Health Advisory Committee  
    • The charge of the Mental Health Advisory Committee is to: 1) advise the program manager on mental health programs and events; 2) empower faculty and staff to refer graduate students to appropriate services; and 3) improve mental health and wellness for graduate students. 
  • Professional Development Committee 
    • The charge of the Professional Development Committee is to 1) advise the program manager on professional development programs and events; 2) provide input on professional development programming (e.g., 3MT, Preparing Future Faculty); and 3) collect and disseminate information on professional development opportunities for graduate students.