Graduate Student Events
The Graduate College creates a robust intellectual environment across the UC community. Regular events, lectures, and workshops afford students the opportunity to engage ideas across disciplinary boundaries, learn from a diverse range of experts, and provide a stepping stone towards the direction of their future.
All events are posted below and continuously updated.
Calendar of Events
Events for the 2024-25 academic year are listed below.
Events Listed by Month
GradNEXT Ideation Coach
Monday, February 3 | 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM | 407 Teachers College
You are invited to explore what changes you want to make in how graduate students learn and are supported at a local or university-level. Participants will receive training ideation and brainstorming ideas at this session.
Mental Health Summit
Wednesday, February 5 | 9 AM - 3 PM | Tangeman University Center (TUC) 4th Floor Great Hall
Join us for the 2nd Annual Graduate Student Mental Health Summit, themed C.A.R.E. For Yourself! (Compassion, Awareness, Resilience, Empowerment). This event is designed to deepen your understanding of mental health through personal and professional skill development.
Three Minute Thesis Preliminary Rounds
February 10 - 14 | Virtual
Graduate Student Writing Accountability Session
Tuesday, February 11 | 12:30 - 3:30 PM | Clifton Court Hall 5280 & Online
Do you need designated time and space to get your writing done? Join fellow graduate students as you work to make progress on your seminar papers, theses, dissertations, or whatever else is calling your name.
Writing Series: The Style of Graduate Writing
Tuesday, February 11 | 4 - 6 PM | Clifton Court Hall 2270 & Online
In this workshop, you will develop a clearer understanding of the defining features of graduate-level writing and engage with concepts such as structure, clarity, cohesion, voice, tone, and more.
GradNEXT: Proposal Development
Monday, February 24 | 11 AM - 12:30 PM | Tangeman University Center (TUC) 400 & Online
You are invited to explore what changes you want to make in how graduate students learn and are supported at a local or university-level. Participants will receive proposal development training at this session.
Graduate Student Writing Accountability Session
Wednesday, February 26 | 10 AM - 4 PM | Taft Research Center & Online
Do you need designated time and space to get your writing done? Join fellow graduate students as you work to make progress on your seminar papers, theses, dissertations, or whatever else is calling your name.
Three Minute Thesis Competition
Wednesday, February 26 | 4:30 - 6 PM | Clifton Court Hall 1170
UC's Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition challenges students to summarize their research or scholarship for a non-specialist audience using only three minutes of speech and a single PowerPoint slide.
Writing Series: Respond to the Call—Writing Proposals and Abstracts
Thursday, February 27 | 1 - 3 PM | Clifton Court Hall 2230 & Online
In this workshop, you develop a clearer understanding of writing proposals and abstracts in response to calls for papers/proposals (CFPs). You will also gain experience searching for CFPs, understanding the contents of a CFP, and developing a strong proposal in response. The workshop will also address how to write an abstract, and you will work on writing an abstract of your own work.
Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention Training
Monday, March 3 | 10 AM - 12 PM | Clifton Court Hall 2120
Join us for an interactive session on suicide prevention. We will go over what to look out for, how to ask someone if they are having thoughts of suicide, and how to get them to safety.
Graduate Student Writing Accountability Session
Tuesday, March 11 | 10 AM - 4 PM | Clifton Court Hall 5280 & Online
Do you need designated time and space to get your writing done? Join fellow graduate students as you work to make progress on your seminar papers, theses, dissertations, or whatever else is calling your name.
Writing Series: Writing a Literature Review
Wednesday, March 12 | 1:30 - 3:30 PM | Clifton Court Hall 2101 & Online
In this writing workshop, you will develop a clearer understanding of what a literature review is and how to write one. You will also learn strategies for locating and organizing research, summarizing and synthesizing scholarship, establishing one's specific claim in relation to others’ scholarship, and structuring the literature review.
Mastering Your Finances
Wednesday, March 12 | 2 - 3 PM | Lindner Hall 3240 & Online
Learn how to take control of your finances with this practical presentation designed for graduate students. Discover the power of zero-based budgeting—a proven method that assigns every dollar a job—and see how the "You Need A Budget" (YNAB) software can make budgeting simple and effective. Whether you're navigating student loans, balancing academic expenses, or planning for the future, this session will equip you with the tools and strategies to build a budget that works for you.
GradNEXT Pitch Competition
Tuesday, March 25 | 10 AM - 12 PM | Tangeman University Center (TUC) 400 A-C
You are invited to explore what changes you want to make in how graduate students learn and are supported at a local or university-level. Teams will come together to pitch their ideas to the Dean of the Graduate College and Provost.
Writing Series: Send It Out! Scholarly Publication for Beginners
Wednesday, March 26 | 10 AM - 12 PM | Clifton Court Hall 4280 & Online
This workshop will demystify: finding the right publication venue (journal, edited collection, etc.), communicating with editors, readying one's writing for submission, and the steps and general timeline of the publication process.
Writing Series: Revisiting Your Writing
Tuesday, April 1 | 9:45 - 11:45 AM | Langsam Library 462 & Online
In this writing workshop, you will develop a clearer understanding of what revision is and its importance for writing at a graduate level and beyond. We will also discuss topics such as revising toward submitting for publication and working with a reviewer for feedback during revisions.
Graduate Student Writing Accountability Session
Wednesday, April 2 | 10 AM - 4 PM | Langsam Library Room 462 & Online
Do you need designated time and space to get your writing done? Join fellow graduate students as you work to make progress on your seminar papers, theses, dissertations, or whatever else is calling your name.
Graduate Student Writing Accountability Session
Tuesday, April 22 | 10 AM - 4 PM | Taft Research Center & Online
Do you need designated time and space to get your writing done? Join fellow graduate students as you work to make progress on your seminar papers, theses, dissertations, or whatever else is calling your name.
Graduate Student Writing Accountability Session
Wednesday, May 14 | 10 AM - 4 PM | Taft Research Center & Online
Do you need designated time and space to get your writing done? Join fellow graduate students as you work to make progress on your seminar papers, theses, dissertations, or whatever else is calling your name.
Summer Welcome and Orientation
Friday, May 16