Teaching Assistant Requirements and OEPT
All teaching assistants must be supervised by a faculty member who has the academic credentials and authorization (as defined by the Higher Learning Commission, Ohio Dept. of Higher Education, and the University of Cincinnati) to offer instruction to the students in the class. Supervising faculty must be listed (as supervisor or instructor) in any course/section overseen by a graduate teaching assistant.
Non-native speakers of English who are awarded teaching assistantships at the University of Cincinnati are required to score at least a 3.0 on the Oral English Proficiency Test (OEPT). The OEPT evaluates the spoken language skills of non-native speakers of English. Students who pass are certified for oral English proficiency and may assume the full range of duties associated with their teaching assistantship.
Students whose oral English proficiency has not been officially certified may not assume instructional responsibilities. However, students who score 26 or above on the speaking section of the TOEFL IBT or students with a score of 50 or above on the Test of Spoken English are exempt from the OEPT. Students are required to take the test at the beginning of their first term of study. If a score is less than 3.0, students are recommended to take ESL courses before retaking the test. A student is permitted to take the OEPT twice without charge during an academic year.