PFF-approved workshops are offered by the Graduate College, the Academy of Fellows for Teaching & Learning (AFTL), the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning | University of Cincinnati (CET&L), and other UC groups. This page and the Canvas page show which workshops qualify for credit for the present term. The workshops chosen by the PFF program typically focus on pedagogy.
Workshops lasting four hours or less are worth five activity points. Workshops lasting more than four hours may be worth more points pending approval by the program coordinator.
In order for students to receive activity points for attending a workshop, an activity log must be completed and submitted via Canvas within one month of the activity date.
PFF students are encouraged to participate in the following workshop offerings for PFF recognition. These offerings will be periodically updated. Please check the registration link to see if the specific workshop is virutal or in-person.
More workshops will be added as they come available. If you see one that you think is relevant to Preparing Future Faculty but is not listed, please contact the PFF Coordinator at