
PFF Courses

To complete the Preparing Future Faculty certificate, you must register for and pass the two courses below.

Teaching Effectiveness (PD8041) must be completed before a Mentoring Agreement Contract will be approved. Students with special circumstances should send a request with rationale to, and the PFF coordinator will forward these requests to the PFF director.

Teaching Effectiveness

Teaching Effectiveness covers the theory and practice of effective, learning-focused teaching at the college level, including how to establish student learning goals, develop a syllabus, use varied approaches to teaching and assess student learning. All participants will develop an electronic teaching portfolio.

Course Code: PD8041
Three graduate (semester) credits, pass/fail
Offered fall semester

The Professoriate

This course is designed to introduce students to the differences and similarities in faculty roles, work, and career paths across departments, disciplines, and institutions among other characteristics. The material in this course facilitates students’ exploration of the preparation for faculty positions, recurring trends in the academic labor force, and how instructors fit into the context of the university enterprise. Exploring scholarly research and professional practices, students will gain a more complete understanding of academic careers and their place in the higher education landscape.

Course Code: EDLD8093
Three graduate (semester) credits
Offered spring semester