

PFF Program Documents

All PFF resources are hosted within the PFF Canvas page. The PFF Program Manual can be viewed below. This manual contains the program's policies and procedures, and it will serve as a helpful guide for your Preparing Future Faculty experience.

Find the updated PFF Program Manual through the following link: 

PFF Program Manual (PDF)

Students matriculated prior to the fall 2019 application deadline can find the Legacy Program manual through the following link:

PFF Legacy Program Manual (PDF)

The Academic Career Field


  • Listen to this podcast episode by Surviving Academia for tips, tricks and first hand experiences with interviews in academia: The Academic Interview

  • Review this PDF guide compiled by the University of Michigan for an initial look at what to expect for each step of the academic hiring process: Interview to Job Overview


  • Visit Carleton College’s step-by-step guide to simplifying the daunting process of designing or redesigning a course: Tutorial home 

  • Review this advice guide by The Chronicle of Higher Education and learn the four principles of teaching a good first day of class: How to Teach a Good First Day of Class 

Professional Development Resources for Future Faculty

  • Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning (CET&L)
    This group of graduate students and postdocs with a passion for teaching support the professional development of TAs and future professors at UC. The organization provides informaiton and instruction on innovative teaching methods, basic career guidance and netwroking opportunities with fellow graduate students who share a common vision of teaching and learning excellence. 
  • POD Network
    The Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education is devoted to improving teaching and learning in higher education. POD provides its members with personal and academic relationships that are essential for professional growth.
  • Faculty Focus
    Through its free e-newsletter and dedicated website, Faculty Focus publishes articles on effective teaching strategies for the college classroom — face-to-face, online, blended, or flipped.
  • Career Fairs
    Career Fairs at the University of Cincinnati are a great opportunity for employers to meet promising student talent. Registration for career fairs is managed through Handshake. Employer registration typically opens two to three months in advance of an event.