
GradCURRENTS News & Features

Banner with outline of Cincinnati skyline says GradCurrents and UC to a Higher Degree.

Sunglasses sitting on the edge of a pool

Graduate College Staff Picks for Summer Days & Cool Stays 

Searching for ways to elevate your summer? The Graduate College has you covered with a curated list of recommendations. From music and books to local favorites and wellness apps, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Each suggestion comes with personal insights from fellow students, staff, and faculty. Dive into our top picks and make the most of your downtime, whether you're basking in the sun or staying cool indoors. See them all.

Grad student Antonio Lim in front of bridge surrounded by green forest

Antonio Lim, University of Cincinnati first-year Psychology PhD student, National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) award winner, and Yates Fellow

Award-Winning Grad Student Pioneering Innovation in STEM

The ever-expanding frontier of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – or STEM - remains a magnet for pioneers driven by innovation, and Antonio Lim, a first-year Psychology PhD student at the University of Cincinnati and recent recipient of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) award, is among them. As a Yates Fellow and advocate for interdisciplinary research, Lim epitomizes the transformative potential of individual vision in shaping the scientific landscape. In this candid Q&A, Lim shares his aspirations for STEM diversity and innovation, and his plans to empower underrepresented communities in Appalachia and beyond. Read his story.

Pride flag being waved

Celebrating Pride Month in Cincinnati

It’s June and Pride is taking center stage. It’s a time not only for revelry but also for reflection. While acknowledging the challenges encountered in the ongoing fight for LGBTQ+ rights, Pride Month  recognizes the resilience, diversity, and spirit of the LGBTQ+ community and everyone who stands in solidarity with the cause of equality. Here's how to join the celebration!

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Social Media Do’s & Don’ts for Professional Success

Crafting a professional online presence is crucial for graduate students, regardless of their post-graduation plans. Admissions committees and potential employers increasingly utilize social media to assess candidates beyond resumes, seeking insights into professionalism, personality, and cultural fit. An unprofessional online presence can significantly hinder your career and academic prospects, including jeopardizing your current job. Therefore, curating a positive online persona is not just beneficial; it's essential for safeguarding your aspirations. Here's how to leverage social media for success.

woman in front of laptop taking notes

Your UC Summer Session Survival Guide

Summer has arrived, and with it, a familiar challenge for graduate students in session: balancing academic pursuits with the pull of warmer weather and recreational activities. Juggling coursework, job and family responsibilities, travel plans, and simply enjoying the sunshine can feel like walking a tightrope. Fear not—follow these tips and resources from the Graduate College to achieve success with your summer academic endeavors. Read the full list.

take a break written on a notepad

Maximize Your Break: 6 Ways to Unwind & Prep for What's Next

Congratulations on reaching the end of another challenging semester! Whether you're preparing to enter the workforce, pursue further studies, or take a well-deserved rest, the upcoming break offers an opportunity to relax, recharge, and explore new horizons. Here are six ways to make the most of your time before the next chapter begins. See them all. 

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Understanding the Crucial Role of Consent

April is Sexual Assault Prevention Month. First driven by activists and survivors in the 1970s, it has since grown into a global movement, with organizations worldwide participating in initiatives to combat sexual violence, support survivors, and promote education highlighting the primary means of combatting sexual violence: consent. Read more.

UC students in Costa Rica with local children

A Spring Break Abroad Exploring Diversity & Global Health

At the University of Cincinnati, interprofessional education isn't just a concept; it's intricately woven into the institution's core values. This past spring break, graduate students from the College of Allied Health Sciences (CAHS) embarked on a transformative experiential service-learning journey in Costa Rica along with College of Nursing (CoN) students from the Accelerated Master of Science in Nursing program. Using open dialogue, collaborative problem-solving, and reflection, students developed a deep appreciation for the challenges and opportunities inherent in healthcare provision within cultural contexts, laying the groundwork for future advocacy. Read about their experience.

a yellow line with with a pair of shoes on either side

Tackling Boundaries, Expectations & Difficult Conversations 

In both our personal and professional lives, boundaries play a crucial role in delineating where we end and others begin, guiding interactions and relationships. Clear boundaries foster healthier relationships by promoting mutual respect, understanding, and empathy in personal connections, and collaboration in professional settings. But advocating for your needs often leads to difficult conversations. So how can we best define our boundaries, navigate any resulting challenges and find common ground? Read on to find out.

two women interviewing a job candidate

Navigating the Path to Career Success: Insights from Bearcat Promise Career Studio

As we approach the end of another academic year, graduating students at the University of Cincinnati are gearing up to step into the professional world. The Bearcat Promise Career Studio, recognizing the importance of this transition, stands ready to provide invaluable support and guidance. Led by Interim Director and Assistant Professor of Career Education A. Stephen Amundson, the Career Studio offers a comprehensive range of practical services and resources tailored to meet the unique needs of students entering the job market. We spoke with Amundson to uncover the Studio's mission, offerings, and expert guidance for students as they embark on their professional journey. Read the full Q & A.

Sisters Lucy and Annette Braun, 1910.

Sisters Lucy (left) and Annette Braun, 1910.

A Tale of two Trailblazers

Every March, Women's History Month serves as a reminder of the countless women who have shattered glass ceilings, defied expectations, and paved the way for progress and equality throughout history. Among these trailblazers are Annette and Emma (Lucy) Braun, sisters and University of Cincinnati graduate scholars, whose achievements during a time when post-secondary education was male dominated continue to inspire us. Read their story.

Pictures of Associate Dean Banjo Vice Provost Dean Ward and Associate Dean Collins

Charting a Course Towards Inclusion

As Black History Month ends, it's essential to engage in meaningful dialogue, not just as an acknowledgment of the past, but as a catalyst for shaping the future. We sat down with Vice Provost Dean Rose Marie Ward, alongside Associate Deans Omatoya Banjo and Tai Collins, to delve into the Graduate College's journey toward inclusivity and its dedication to supporting African American students. Read the full discussion. 

Cluttered desk with laptop and paper

Spring Clean Your Academic Life

As the chilly grip of winter loosens its hold and the warmth of spring arrives, it presents a prime opportunity not just to freshen up your living space but also to rejuvenate your academic routine. For graduate students, a strategic "spring cleaning" can reinvigorate focus, streamline organization, and boost productivity. With the change of season on the horizon, we've come up with 10 practical tips to streamline and revitalize your academic life. Read more.

Man's hands holding up paper doll chain

GetInvolvedUC: Linking UC's Graduate Community

GetInvolvedUC isn't just a platform for undergraduate student events. It’s also a vital resource for graduate student opportunities offered by organizations such as the Graduate College, alongside essential groups like the Women's Center, LGBTQ Center, and African American Cultural and Resource Center, among others. 

In a recent conversation with Kristin Ford, Director of the Center for Student Involvement at the University of Cincinnati, we explored the benefits of student involvement, and the pivotal role of platforms like GetInvolvedUC in shaping the university experience for graduate students. Read on for an insightful look at our discussion.

people chatting at a networking event

Snoozing on Schmoozing? Then You’re Losing out

Networking events are pivotal for a graduate student's professional journey, providing unique chances for academic enrichment and career growth. As we step into International Networking Week from February 4th to the 10th, the spotlight intensifies on the outsized influence networking can have in both professional and personal domains. From academic conferences to specialized workshops, the week illuminates the importance of exploring networking opportunities beyond the confines of university lecture halls. If you're new to networking and uncertain about where to start, no worries! We've outlined eight of the most common types of networking events and how to make the most of them. Check them out.

a mentor and mentee working together

Making the Most of Mentorship

January is National Mentoring Month, setting the stage for recognizing and celebrating the profound impact of mentorship. Wherever you are on your academic and professional path, this month serves as an opportune time to delve into how to find or become a mentor. Curious about establishing and benefiting from the guidance that defines mentor-mentee relationships? Let's explore some essential aspects, from finding potential mentors to understanding the dynamics that shape this invaluable connection. Read on for recommendations.

Woman biting pencil in stress while looking at laptop

Make the Grade: Sidestep These Study Snafus 

For graduate students, finals week isn't just a culmination of dedication and hard work; it's an intense period that requires comprehensive preparation and strategic study, along with managing the stress that often accompanies it. But several common pitfalls can hinder success during this critical period. Here are some of the top mistakes graduate students encounter while preparing for finals and how to overcome them while effectively managing stress. Read on.

be here now written on rock among other rocks and pebbles

The Graduate Student’s Guide to Mindfulness

The frenetic pace of grad school life rarely abates, but the Graduate College recently rolled out something pretty cool to help students find a way to create pockets of tranquility - a mindfulness workshop led by Meriden McGraw, Director of the UC Osher Center for Integrative Medicine's Mindfulness Team. The goal? To take mindfulness from the conceptual to the practical and give graduate students tools they can immediately use to cultivate relaxation, restore balance, and live healthier, happier, and more stress-free lives.

The promise of learning new techniques to unwind drew UC MBA online student Zack Williams to campus to participate on October 26th. But did the trip pay off? We caught up with Zack to hear whether mindfulness struck a chord with him and if what he learned made a difference in his routine. Read the full Q & A.

the words and breathe in cursive neon against a background of leaves

Six Strategies for Effective Stress Management

November 1st is National Stress Awareness Day, a timely reminder to prioritize our mental well-being. Stress is an intrinsic part of life, and our ability to handle it effectively has a profound impact on our overall health and happiness. This is especially true for graduate students, who face a multitude of stressors, from stringent deadlines and budgeting for tuition and living expenses to upholding academic performance and conducting research, all of which can create a high-pressure environment.  

Having a toolkit of effective stress management techniques can be beneficial in mitigating the negative effects of graduate school stress. In observance of National Stress Awareness Day, We've out together six valuable stress management methods for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.  See them all. 

overwhelmed man covered in sticky notes

Eight Tips for Navigating Graduate School with Adult ADHD

Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is typically associated with children, but it's important to recognize that adults often struggle with ADHD symptoms too, which can manifest differently in a high-pressure academic setting. Fortunately, there are strategies and resources that can help graduate students with ADHD succeed academically. To spotlight ADHD Awareness Month this October, we've outlined eight empowering and effective ways to manage ADHD symptoms, whether you're personally impacted or providing support to someone who is. Discover them all. 

equality flags fly in front of the u.s. supreme court

The UC Love Story That Led to a Landmark Law

University of Cincinnati alumni and couple Jim Obergefell (Class of ’90) and John Arthur (Class of ’88) shared a love story like many others: they met while both in graduate school, fell in love, and after two decades together decided to get married. Unlike other couples, however, they faced a significant obstacle as same-sex marriage was banned in Ohio at the time, setting in motion a journey for marriage equality that would change the course of LGBTQ+ history and play a pivotal role in legalizing same-sex marriage in the United States. In recognition of LGBTQ+ History Month and ahead of National Coming Out Day on October 11, we are shining a light on these UC LGBTQ pioneers whose unwavering commitment to equality and one another ignited a movement that transformed the legal landscape for same-sex couples across the United States. Read more about how their fight for legal recognition led to marriage equality for all.

Paper with resume written on top followed by bullet points next to laptop and pen

Updating Your Resume: Tips for Graduate Students

September is "International Update Your Resume Month," an ideal time for graduate students to revamp their resumes, particularly those getting ready to graduate this semester and enter – or reenter - the job market with newly acquired degrees and skill sets. A resume update isn't just a document refresh; it's a powerful tool for networking and demonstrating hard-won capabilities. Additionally, it offers a chance for self-reflection. Even if you're not actively job hunting, regularly updating your resume is a smart strategy to remain prepared, self-aware, and adaptable in a constantly changing job market. To assist graduate students in updating their resumes effectively, we’ve compiled some essential tips. Read all our recommendations for refreshing your resume.

grad student marielle newton in a red-sleeveless top with curly brown hair

Q & A with Mental Health Grad Student Marielle Newton

As we continue to observe Suicide Prevention Month this September, we sat down for an enlightening interview with Clinical Mental Health Counseling graduate student, Marielle Newton. In this Q & A we explore what motivated her to make a career change and why she chose UC for her graduate school journey. We also discuss the prevalence of poor mental health among students in higher education, how she juggles grad school demands while balancing a personal life and motherhood, and the impact she hopes to make in the lives of those grappling with anxiety and other mental health challenges.  Read the full conversation

A Grad student with a red hoodie on looking at a laptop screen.

Elevating Higher Education Online

The rapid evolution of the internet, coupled with a years-long pandemic, necessitated that education make significant and rapid transformations beyond traditional brick-and-mortar classrooms. The digital realm has opened a myriad of opportunities to access knowledge and skills from almost anywhere at any time. National Online Learning Day, celebrated on September 15, is a moment to recognize the impact of online learning and UC’s role as an early pioneer in how students access knowledge and earn their degrees. Read the full article for more information about online learning at UC. 

Sing that reads Don't Give Up

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: Intervention is Prevention

Challenging, rewarding, demanding, inspiring - graduate school is a lot of things, and juggling them all can be stressful and emotionally taxing for many students. Recent studies have shown that graduate students are more than six times as likely as the general population to experience depression and anxiety. Balancing well-being with academic pressures isn’t easy, and students struggling with mental health issues may not get the support they need until they reach a crisis point, often after harming themselves, so identification and early intervention for those most at risk is critical. Read the full article to learn about sucide prevention.

A woman stands in front of a podium looking confident; her shadow holds its head in frustration.

All About Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome: what is it, really? You’ve likely heard the term before, as it's become somewhat of a buzzword within academic and professional circles in recent years. You might have a vague understanding of the concept, thinking to yourself on occasion, “Sure, sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve to be where I’ve gotten,” and then continuing on with your busy grad student life. It makes sense: you’ve got a lot going on, and taking an honest, hard look at the ways in which you undermine your own success might sound positively overwhelming. Well, no more! Now is as good a time as any to begin the process of personal growth and development. By truly understanding the ways that imposter syndrome impacts your academic, professional, and social success, and putting in the work to silence that inner critic and become more of a cheerleader for yourself, you can achieve things you never thought possible. And the good news? You don’t have to do it alone. Read the full article to learn more.

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