GradCURRENTS News & Features
Perfect vs Progress: Managing Perfectionism in Grad School
It’s perfectly fine to pursue excellence in your graduate studies — graduate school is a space where excellence should be expected. But at what point does that expectation boil over? When your desire to produce flawless work, attend every workshop, or have the most experience-studded resume becomes overwhelming? Perfectionism — typically regarded as a positive trait— can lead to a myriad of challenges such as burnout, procrastination, and anxiety. Let’s explore perfectionism, the impact it can have on your life, and how redefining your mindset can shift your outlook.
New Year, Improved You: Cultivating a Healthy Mind and Body
Welcome new and returning graduate students to what promises to be an exciting and transformative spring semester! Before you kick off all your festivities and return to your regularly scheduled programming, take a moment to embrace a special health-focused celebration happening right now: National Staying Healthy Month (NSHM). What better way to set the tone for a new semester than keeping your mind and body in good spirits?
Unlock Your Potential: UC’s Bearcat Promise Career Studio
With an increasingly competitive job market, are you ready to level up your career game? Well, UC has an auspiciously adept resource for you. The Bearcat Promise Career Studio is a place where you can enjoy career planning, coaching, and several tools and resources. Learn how you can use the Career Studio to help you stand out amongst the competition.
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