
Coffee Hours

PFF Coffee Hours are casual, drop-in events, where students can chat with current UC faculty about their academic career journey and position in a low pressure environment. These are hosted in person on UC's main campus, typically in Van Wormer Hall. Please see below for information on this semester's coffee hours. 

Join us for free coffee, snacks, and open discussion with UC Associate Professor, Dr. Holly McGee who specializes in U.S. History and African American History, with an emphasis on black women’s activist and intellectual history, comparative political activism in the United States and South Africa, and popular culture in the twentieth century.

This Coffee Hour will be held on Monday, January 27th from 9:30 - 10:30, at Langsam 480C. You can use the link to sign up below.

Join us for free coffee, snacks, and open discussion in a casual environment with new UC Assistant Professor of Health Communication and Technology, Dr. Kelly Merrill. His primary research interests are at the intersection of health communication and communication technology. In particular, he is interested in addressing health disparities experienced by Black and queer individuals.

This Coffee Hour will be held on Monday, February 17th from 9:30 - 10:30, location TBD. You can use the link to sign up below.

Join us for free coffee, snacks, and open discussion in a casual environment with Associate Dean and School Psychology Professor, Dr. Tai Collins. Dr. Collins is primarily interested in the development of time- and resource-efficient behavioral interventions to support Black students in urban schools with limited resources.  Dr. Collins has focused on developing peer-mediated interventions to improve the academic, behavioral, social, and emotional functioning of students within multi-tiered systems of support.

This Coffee Hour will be held on Monday, March 24th from 9:30 - 10:30, location TBD. You can use the link to sign up below.